Enabling a Reproducible Data Experimentation Environment

#Programming #Data Engineering
Table of Contents


In this post, I will explain how I streamlined team decision-making by building a cloud experimentation solution, secured by AWS IAM roles/policies, then optimized dataset network transmissions by 35x

I prioritized building this tool, because a streamlined process was critical for Sachin and I to achieve consensus on datasets and features for a ML model. Exploratory Data Analysis is a process driven very different from software engineering. It involves lots of trial and error, so reproducibility was top of mind.



Requirement Motivation
Use the Python REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) Immediate feedback when running code
Reproduce Analysis on Different Machines Collaborators get to focus on experimentation, instead of being burdened with figuring out errors
Differentiate between Dataset Versions Data is not a static entity, so it is critical to distinguish our understanding of it at current times
Export Results Collaboration requires sharing 😊
Visualizations EDA requires lots of graphs like histograms, scatter plots and more!


Requirements Motivation
Performance Tool should handle experimentation without significant lag
Integration It was important to have the capability to integrate with common tools like Docker, Jupyter Notebooks, python libraries and cloud resources like AWS because those tools/platforms were mature
Customizability I wanted to provide users with the flexibility to choose python dependencies that are needed for their use case
Security I wanted measures that protected sensitive data with authentication and access control privileges


Docker Build Flow

Initial Idea

An interesting use case for Docker is for packaging and running Jupyter Notebook Environments.

That is, we can use Docker to commit the image to an artifact store, save the notebook as is and anyone within your organization can pull that down and run it. This is a massive boost for sharing and reproducing scientific experimentations. In the case of a Data team, this empowers individual contributers get feedback quicker and for teams to move understanding up the chain of the organization.

Reproducible Experimentation Environment Design

Reproducible Notebooks

Figure 1. The Tooling Used in the Notebook Workflow.

In this figure, we encapsulate the main concepts in this design – Data would be versioned with DVC and authentication would be required to upload or download the data artifacts using AWS. For now, lets gloss over those details and focus on the Docker image build. I made great use of Docker for image building and docker-compose for mounting my file system into the running container for quick iteration

So far, we got a github workflow deployed to Dockerhub, for the base jupyter server environment. Plan is to have multistage builds, that extend that base image. Next, we pass in variables to define the data dependencies for each of these in their own docker-compose file. This will include stuff like the notebook name + data.

Environment Packaging with Poetry

For me the choice of package manager was simple. Poetry fit that role, due to pyproject.toml providing great project structure and for its virtual environment capabilities.

Poetry allows one to easily manage project’s dependencies. This ensures that code always has the correct versions of libraries. Furthermore, Poetry provides an isolated environment for Python.

Why use Docker and Poetry

Since there can be difficulties when trying to use non-Python dependencies in Poetry, I used Docker to circumvent that pitfall. Docker images provide a consistent environment ensuring the Jupyter Environment behaves the same each time. In addition to helping a ton with reproducibility, Docker simplifies the process of packaging and shipping our environment. This was critical for collaboration. We opted for storing our images onto DockerHub.

Building a Jupyter Server Environment with Multi-Stage Builds

Using Docker, I packaged the environment with a Docker Multi-Stage build. Additionally, this process is performed using the Github Workflow framework for automating jobs. The jobs are trigger by changes to the repository.

Reproducible Notebooks

The non-functional design requirement was to decouple the Poetry dependencies into a seperate base image called alejandroarmas/jupyter-poetry-base:latest. The base image would provide the tooling required for installing python packages (ex. curl and poetry) and would be seperate from the final image.

Afterwards, I used the Multi-stage build to install the python packages from PyPi on the builder image. Since the tools were no longer neccessary in the final image, I merely copied the necessary environment files over from builder into the developement image. In addition to taking up disk space, unneeded tooling presents itself as a security risk, due to being an extra attack vector.


Here are the Dockerfile syntax used for building the final developement image.

# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1.3


FROM alejandroarmas/jupyter-poetry-base:latest as builder

COPY pyproject.toml ./
RUN poetry install --with "${POETRY_INSTALL_GROUP}"

FROM jupyter/scipy-notebook:$JUPYTER_STACKS_TAG as developement

ENV POETRY_HOME="/opt/poetry" \
    PYSETUP_PATH='/opt/pysetup' \
    VENV_PATH='.venv' \



COPY --from=builder $VENV_PATH $VENV_PATH

Notice the following build argument: POETRY_INSTALL_GROUP. In conjunction with Poetry, I was able to decouple seperate python package environments. ex. --build-arg POETRY_INSTALL_GROUP=main,notebook,models will have poetry install the dependencies in each of the groups, seperated by commas.

Considering the substantial size of the data and Jupyter Notebooks, it was impractical to store them in a Docker image, particularly since the image was hosted on Dockerhub. Docker images have size limitations, and including large amounts of data within them can lead to issues with pulling, pushing, and managing the images. Therefore, I opted to use Docker-compose to fit that use case. Yo

Mounting Data into Containers with Docker-Compose

Although Docker Compose is generally used to define and manage multi-container Docker applications, I am using it slightly differently. This includes specifying the mounting of volumes.

Normally, one can use Volumes so that data can persist across container restarts. However, I’m using docker-compose, to mount my file system into the running docker containers.

I chose to store the python source in volume, as opposed to inside of the Docker Image. This approach facilitates the frequent refactoring of reusable code across various notebooks, without necessitating a rebuild of the Docker image each time.

Likewise, I am using it share the data artifacts on my host’s filesystem with the running docker containers.

    image: alejandroarmas/jupyter-notebook:latest
      - "8888:8888"
      - "source/notebook_name.ipynb:target/notebook_name.ipynb"
      - "data/cctv:/target/data/cctv"

Github Workflow Job

Workflows are defined in YAML a yaml file located in .github/workflows. Here the workflow activates a job to run on a github runner, triggered by changes are made to the project source code on the main branch. Our case involves rebuilding our images, each time we complete a pull request that touches the src files.

      - poetry_install_group: notebook,main
        notebook_name: jupyter-notebook
      - poetry_install_group: notebook,main,models
        notebook_name: jupyter-notebook-models
  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - name: Login to DockerHub
    uses: docker/login-action@v2
      username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
      password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
  - name: Packaging Base Jupyter Environment
    uses: ./.github/actions/docker-publish
      image_name: ${{ matrix.notebook_name }}
      docker_file_path: infrastructure/images/notebook/Dockerfile
      docker_user: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
      poetry_install_group: ${{ matrix.poetry_install_group }}

The docker-publish action contains a task, used to build and push the Docker container into DockerHub.

The reason this is written in a seperate file .github/actions/ACTION_NAME/action.yml, is because we wanted to decouple and reuse this action for other kinds of workflows.

- name: Build and push
  uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
    context: .
    file: ${{ inputs.docker_file_path }}
    build-args: |
      POETRY_INSTALL_GROUP=${{ inputs.poetry_install_group}}      
    push: true
    tags: |
        ${{ inputs.docker_user }}/${{ inputs.image_name }}:latest
        ${{ inputs.docker_user }}/${{ inputs.image_name }}:${{ github.run_id }}        
    cache-from: type=gha
    cache-to: type=gha

We utilize a caching mechanism to significantly speed up the build process. The cache-to option tells Docker where to store the layers after they have been build. On the other hand, cache-from tells Docker where to look for layers, when building new versions of the image. If the specified cache exists, Docker will use those layers instead of rebuilding them. In this case, both options are set to type=gha, indicating that the cache should be stored in the GitHub Actions cache.

Increasing Productivity by Improving Data Transmission and Compression

Network speeds were becoming a bit bottleneck.

Recall that I made the design decision to decouple the data from the docker image. Since the data was not embedded inside of a Docker build layer, it was instead expected to be on the host’s filesystem.

Data interfaced with code inside of the container, only by using a Docker Volume mount. This following section I will detail how I downloaded and uploaded data. In addition to that, I will describe an optimization that tackled a huge pain point for team collaboration.

Acquiring the Data

dvc pull

Data Size

With the initial data exploration that was performed, we found ourselves with \(35.2\) GigaBytes of data:

du -h -d 0 data/raw/csv/pems/detector
3.2G data/raw/csv/pems/detector
du -h -d 0 data/raw/csv/pems/incident
87M data/raw/csv/pems/incident
du -h -d 0 data/raw/csv/climate          
32G data/raw/csv/climate

This was a relatively small dataset, but I had a personal restriction that made sharing my results difficult with others.

Slow speeds

networkQuality -v
==== SUMMARY ====
Uplink capacity: 4.056 Mbps 
Downlink capacity: 24.518 Mbps 

I had an internet speed of \(24.518\) Mbps. To get an idea of how long it would take to upload this dataset, I am going to convert the file sizes to the appropriate units.

$$ \begin{aligned}&\hspace{1em} 35.2 \text{ GigaBytes} \\&= 35.2 \text{ GigaBytes} \times \frac{8 \text{ bits}}{1 \text{ Byte}} \\&= 281.6 \text{ Gigabits} \times \frac{1024 \text{ Megabits}}{1 \text{ Gigabit}} \\&= 288,358.4 \text{ Megabits} \end{aligned} $$

Now that we have our data units appropriately referenced, lets take a look at how long an upload would take.

$$ \begin{aligned}&\hspace{1em} \frac{288358.4 \text{ Megabits}}{24.518 \text{ Mbps}} \\&= 11761.0 \text{ seconds} \times \frac{1 \text{ hour}}{3600 \text{ seconds}} \\&= 3.26 \text{ hours} \end{aligned} $$

This was not great and extremely costly in terms of my development iteration velocity.

Data Compression Results

In order to quickly share the files with other collaborators, I decided on transforming the data into a more compressed representation. I had lots of options. I could tar -czvf the dataset and output an archive or I could look into Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet.

Choosing Between Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet

Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet both have different design goals. While Arrow is more focused on in-memory data representation, Parquet is focused on disk storage and is optimized for space and IO efficiency. I think Arrow has a place in our data pipeline, but I felt it more towards the processing stages. Since I wanted to heavily reduce disk and network costs, as well transmit data more efficiently, Parquet was the natural choice. Here are some benchmarks that guided my decision making.

Optimizing Productivity by Performing Data Compression

I removed some of the unused columns which resulted in a 32x decrease in size for PeMS monitoring data and a 38x decrease in size for climate data.

du -h -d 0 data/raw/parquet/pems/detector
103M data/raw/parquet/pems/detector
du -h -d 0 data/raw/parquet/pems/incident
4.0M data/raw/parquet/pems/incident 
du -h -d 0 data/raw/parquet/climate
851M data/raw/parquet/climate

35.2 GBs into 951MBs was a massive improvement!

$$ \begin{aligned}&\hspace{1em} \frac{7608.0 \text{ Megabits}}{24.518 \text{ Mbps}} \\&= 310.302 \text{ seconds} \times \frac{1 \text{ minute}}{60 \text{ seconds}} \\&= 5 \text{ minutes } 10.3 \text{ seconds} \end{aligned} $$


Creating a Dockerized environment for Jupyter Notebooks provides a consistent and reproducible framework, improving collaboration and reproducibility of scientific experimentation.

Docker is used to build the Jupyter server environment image, which can be committed to an artifact store such as DockerHub, allowing anyone within an organization to pull it down and run it. This approach significantly boosts the sharing and reproducing of scientific experiments, leading to quicker feedback and improved understanding within teams. DVC enables one to download data artifacts, hosted on S3, and Docker Compose for mounting the file system into the running container for quick iteration. The use of GitHub Workflow automation streamlines this process.

Next Steps

The next part of this blog post concerns itself with data governance. That is setting up identities and authentication, in order to allow certain users the priveledge of working with the data.

Go ahead and check out Part 2 where I explain how I integrate Identity Access Management (IAM) on AWS using Terraform with this experimentation solution.